Thursday, March 02, 2006

All work and no play

I really hate celibacy.

Well, I haven't had the disclipline to seriously look for someone new to bring home. The girl who's been flirting with me has a very possessive girlfriend whom she's terrified will find out about me, so that avenue shall remain unexplored.

It's also a little tough when the majority of my girlfriends are happily attached at the hip to their respective men and insist on going to the same places we always go to, with said boyfriends in tow. So what's a single girl to do?

Thing is, I'm starting to get withdrawal from my choice of high: a warm male body. Preferably with some form of hard muscle and skin that smells good enough to taste..

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The fact that I've not got some in a while is making me antsy, and I swear i'm subconsciously giving off some killer pheromones. It's as if the sexuality muscle I've not been flexing is finding its way out in the most mundane of everyday actions.

I feel as if my body is trying to shake off some of this excess latent energy that's not being put to use. And it's not a good thing when I have to maintain a professional image in an office full of men who haven't a clue what I'm like outside the corporate box.

Thank god.

Plus these days Josh annoys me more than anything else, with his attempts at getting my attention and making me laugh. I think he felt my intangible withdrawal and wondered what happened, and now he's trying his darndest to get it back by overcompensating.

Anyway, the weekend's approaching and I'm in need of some new places to go which are not Velvet or Attica. Point me in the direction of where I can find my next live writing subject on Saturday night and I'm there. Then we can all be happy on Sunday...


Blogger zeenie said...

still staying in the clark quay area, have you tried Project Gotham or my fav hangout, Baize? I should think that you would have no problems in either place, and if you get bored, you can always shoot some pool (there's always someone to play with, just ask). =)

4:26 PM  

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